Source Code

As technology enthusiasts we like to be open, as such where possible we make our source code available to the public. Below are links to Git repositories containing source code we use at MX0WVV. Please note copyright is held by the author and is subject to the license contained within the repositories.  

Spot an issue? Found a way to improve a function? Please feel free to submit a PR on Github.

  • bpq-application-template – A basic template for developing simple NodeJS based applications and services for use with the BPQ packet radio program.
  • bpq-menu-system – A simple way to create interactive, text-based menus for use in BPQ packet radio applications.
  • DMRpal – DMR interlink server
  • DVSmon – A very simple DVS monitor scraper API
  • js8-cli – Use JS8Call’s JSON API via the command line.
  • js8-web – Use JS8Call via a web browser (work in progress)
  • lib-js8call – Incorporate JS8Call into your Node, or other JavaScript project.
  • Mattermost Mastodon API – Allows admins to post to Mastodon.
  • MX0WVV Monitor API – MX0WVV backend monitoring API
  • XLX XML Parser – Parse XLX XML log files
  • ysf-reflector-monitor – Connect to a YSF reflector server and print activity