145Alive – Frequency allocation

Even with the wind blowing we’re looking forward to the 145 Alive event this Sunday. I’m happy to report that Mark Savage has allocated frequencies for the 145 Alive event. We have been allocated 145.575 (subject to interference). If we have to change frequency, we will update this post.

We will be using a Cloudlog instance for logging, once live I will post a link here.

Listen out for MX0WVV!

145Alive – Team Wave Kick off 2025

We’re happy to report that TeamWave plan to take part in the 145Alive event on the 26th January.

We will be operating from Tim’s M1MIT’s shack at our ‘club’ house (JO02NN) from 12:00 to 15:00. This is located next to Standley Steel on London Road (B1172) in Wymondham. If you’d like more information please ask on our Discord.

Everyone is welcome to pop by and join in (weather permitting).

Please stay tuned for updates. More details on the 145 Alive Facebook page.

Easter Saturday 2m FM Low Power Challenge

Andy 2E0DIQ is doing his usual fine job of drumming up activity in the area with another event aimed at getting stations of all levels out portable and having fun with radio.

Details as follows:

Easter Saturday 30th March 1200-1400hrs 2m FM Low Power challenge
To operate on no more power than Foundation licence allows (10w currently, 25w when Ofcom allows, should be by Easter)
To set up /P in a place of your choice, to run an antenna of your choice, at a height of your choice. You cannot operate from your home QTH.
The aim, to exchange callsign, signal report, and WAB square with as many others as possible in a 2hr timeframe.

Walkie talkie challenge:
As above, but power not exceeding 5w (ie no plugging radio into an amp). Walkie talkie to walkie talkie contacts – give it try?

The point of the exercise is to create a level playing field for all operators, of all licence levels and to have fun testing and trying out radios and antennas in the field.

GB0WFD – Winter Field Day 2023

TeamWave will be taking part in the WFD using the call sign GB0WFD.

Below is a message from our Mattermost system.

Thankyou to all of you for your support as at the beginning of the journey with The TeamWave collective. We are happy to announce our first meet up for this year on Sunday the 29th of January. We will be taking part in winter field day as GB0WFD at the NZ and VW site in Wymondham. It is at Standley steel stockholders NR189JD all are welcome but we will be working out of a little shed so please let us know if your interested in coming along.
Within the TeamWave ethos you are encouraged to come along and work the station. Get hands on with us and play some radio. We will be messing around with antennas in the field and there will be tea and coffee provided. If you would like food please bring it along with you. If you would like to come along please let us know in the DXpeditions feed.

If you’d like more information please contact us on our chat system.