We would like to wish all our friends a Happy New Year!!
Team Wave endeavour to be more active in 2025.
We’d also like to share that our website is also accessible over IPv6: check
We would like to wish all our friends a Happy New Year!!
Team Wave endeavour to be more active in 2025.
We’d also like to share that our website is also accessible over IPv6: check
Today, Tim and removed the repeater hardware and installed a temporary repeater on UHF. This means at this time GB3TX UHF is on the air (430.8125) CTCSS 94.8Hz. This repeater supports NFM, D-Star and Fusion (local only). Hopefully we can get the network working and use the digital modes over the internet.
The other equipment is now home on the bench. I’m integrating a new controller and will perform extensive bench tests before returning to site.
Signal reports for the UHF repeater welcome. It’s running the same power as the original hardware so the signal should be around the same.
Repeater details:
TOT: 4m
HOG: 20m (Please let the repeater transmitter drop at least once every 20 minutes).
Keychunk: 3 seconds
Pip keychunk: 2 seconds
CW: DE GB3TX is sent on first key up.
The future is fun! As part of our linking project at Wymondham, we plan to grow into the Norwich too. These repeaters will be linked to GB3TX and consist of UHF base stations. See further down for locations and planned frequencies.
You will often hear the “we have enough repeaters” comment. While that is true, we plan on providing linking on top of the traditional repeater network. Our aim is to cover as much of Norfolk as possible, creating a local linked network. This brings local users together preventing silofication.
External linking
As always, we allow external linking. However the predominant use is for local repeaters in Norfolk. Repeaters will disconnect idle links and return to their ‘home’ connection.
We don’t often ask for money, most of our projects have been self funded. However in this case, things are starting to get expensive. Any donations are gratefully received. Please contact Jim M0ZAH via email (qrz.com).
Location, Callsign, O/P Frequency, I/P Frequency, Tone
Thorpe St Andrew MX0WVV 430.900 438.500 94.8
Horsham St Faith MX0WVV 430.925 438.525 94.8
As the Fediverse has become a little more popular with the recent twitter fiasco, I’ve decided that now would be a good time to create a letstalkradio matrix chat system. Firstly I don’t plan on Mattermost going anywhere so you are welcome to stay. If anything we will probably set up a bridge between the two so messages are sent to both systems.
At the moment these are independent systems so messages on one will not show on the other.
The benefits of Matrix is that you can run your own server (if you wish) and the system supports many 3rd party clients, unlike Mattermost where you’re limited to the single client.
We have the one room at the moment: Teamwave – MX0WVV for testing.
I welcome everyone to create an account and come and try the system, and again this system (Mattermost) is not going anywhere at the moment.
Here are the instructions if you’d like to come along and play:
1) Visit https://app.element.io
2) Click Edit (under the information icon ‘i’)
3) Select “Other homeserver” and insert the URL “https://matrix.letstalkradio.org” and click continue.
4) Now under the Sign in button select “Create account”
5) Enter your desired username
6) Enter a strong password
7) Click Register
8) You’ll now be signed in, if you get a “You’re in” page click “Skip” in the middle of the screen
9) You can then join the Teamwave room “https://matrix.to/#/#admins:matrix.letstalkradio.org”
Following feedback we will then decide whether to bridge the two systems together.
Now that we’ve a second packet node on the air with GB7ZAH, the focus is starting to move towards functionality.
We’ve 2 new features currently in testing on GB7MSX:
At the time of writing, I’m also messing with a couple of other python scripts I’ve picked up along the way.. One is based on the classic Zork, and another on Eliza.. both very retro, so you may see them active at various points in the name of science & fun.
Both packet nodes are likely to be up and down over the coming days and weeks as we continue to tweak, improve and expand. GB7MSX will be undergoing some antenna tests and improvements, however in the meantime it is accessible from greater distances thanks to the extended range GB7ZAH is providing. Don’t forget to node hop!
We’d welcome any ideas for cool packet node functionality, as we really want to develop out both nodes with unique features and generate some interest in VHF packet radio.
If you have packet capability in your station or are interested in learning more, please join us on the air or via our Mattermost chat.
For now, 73!
Our second packet station (GB7ZAH) switched on today for full testing. This has been a long time coming and joins GB7MSX in the East of Norfolk. There will be periods where the station may not be available while we change configs in the backend.
A huge thanks to Martin M5MSX for his help with configuration hits, and M7GMT for testing on air.
The next step is to get MB7NAF (M1MIT) node on the air.
If you’d like to use either GB7MSX/GB7ZAH you can connect via 1200Baud AX.25 on 144.950NFM.